Donation & recycling centre
Donation Centre
A big thank you to all our generous donors!
By donating to the Châteauguay Community Centre, you’re doing something positive for the community and the environment. A small social gesture with big repercussions for everyone! An economical, ecological and socially responsible gesture.
All the items you’ll find in the thrift store come from donations received from the community. All profits from sales are put towards the realization of our mission and the services offered by our organization (Material assistance, Food assistance and Reinsertion/Integration/Training and Experience).
We accept all clothing, items, furniture and appliances in good condition that can be reused at our donation centre. The best way to sort items headed for the donation centre is to ask yourself: “Would I feel comfortable giving this item to a friend or family member?” If the answer is yes, the item is generally suitable for our donation centre.
Feel free to contact us with any questions or refer to our informative website: Friperie en bon état created especially to raise awareness about the quality of donations.
However, in view of the large quantities of furniture we receive, we may have to refuse them for reasons of storage or warehouse space. Furthermore, our priority is to accept furnitures that corresponds to our selection criteria and that meets our immediate needs for our material assistance services.
The following list gives a good overview of the items accepted by our reception clerk in our donation center during our opening hours.
How can I be a good donor?
First of all, a good donor ensures that donations meet our selection criteria (clean, stain-free, tear-free, odor-free, animal hair-free, functional, scratch-free furniture). Before making a donation, it’s a good idea to :
- make sure to check opening hours so that donations can be dropped off at the appropriate times;
- Don’t leave anything outside in bad weather;
- prepare and sort donations by type of item (gather all clothes in a single bag);
- close the bag of clothes or box of accessories before dropping off your donated items.
- Be sure to obtain authorization from the reception clerk before leaving your large items
By actively sorting items before sending them to thrift stores, citizens help thrift stores maximize their human and financial resources.
Accepted items
Clothing, accessories & shoes
Appliances & small household goods
Furniture in good condition
* Obtain prior authorization from the receiving clerk
Toys & board games
Plates & utensils
Decorative items
Backpacks & suitcases
Sports & seasonal items
Items we do not accept
List of refused items:
- clothing that are damaged, dirty, sun-damaged, sweat-stained, torn, foul smelling, full of animal hair
- furniture with visible wear, broken fabric or stains
- all products (clothing, accessories, furniture, etc.) with a cigarette smell
- defective household appliances, small electrical appliances and electronics
- CRT televisions
- car seats
- motorcycle helmet
- baby walkers
- opened beauty and hygiene products
- single items (single sock, single glass…)
- hazardous household products, paint, varnish…
- weapons
- sexual objects
- building materials (wood planks, flooring, ceramics, etc.)
- kitchen/bath countertops and kitchen/bath cabinets.
Clerks will have to refuse items if they don’t meet our selection criteria and give them to the next buyer, or for reasons of storage capacity.
Furniture and appliance pick-up operation
How does it work?
Did you know that we offer a furniture pick-up service throughout the Roussillon MRC? Cities served: Châteauguay, Candiac, Delson, Léry, Mercier, La Prairie, St-Isidore, St-Constant, Ste-Catherine, St-Mathieu, St-Philippe (Beauharnois, Ste-Martine, St-Urbain, Howick, under certain conditions).
Priority is given to furniture that is in demand for our hardware repair service. So even if you have a beautiful piece of furniture to donate, we may not be able to take it when you ask, because it’s not what we need right now to give to the next person.
To qualify for pick-up service, you must have at least one of the following items: Refrigerator, stove, washer, dryer, kitchen table with chairs, sofa, armchair, mattress, box spring or bedroom desk. Furniture must be in good condition and meet our selection criteria (clean, no stains, no scratches, no tears, no odors, no pet hair). We have to be selective, because we’re giving to the next guy on top of having limited storage space.
If you have any of the above pieces of furniture in good condition, don’t wait any longer. Go to the bottom of the page, where you’ll find the furniture pick-up request form.
Send us a list and photos. If it meets our current needs and selection criteria, a Centre employee will contact you within 24 to 48 hours to schedule a pick-up. (No return calls on Saturdays and Sundays).
During the appointment, our delivery drivers will make sure that the furniture is in good condition and corresponds to our selection criteria as requested. Otherwise, they will be obliged to refuse.
Thank you for your donations. Thank you all for helping us give back!
For more informations, don’t hesitate to call us at (450)699-3464!
We're the only company in the MRC Roussillon region to offer a unique and invaluable furniture and appliance repair service! That's why we gladly accept your donations! However, given the large volume of donations we receive and our limited storage capacity, we prefer to accept furniture that meets our selection criteria and meets current needs for material recovery.
“Our mission is to help and give hope to people living in precarious or impoverished situations through the material repair of essential goods. That’s why it’s so important for us to give back items in good condition that give people a beautiful new start.”
Our recycling mission
We apply and raise awareness of good 3RV-E practices. We can say without hesitation that management at source and eco-responsible actions such as recycling and reusing are part of our daily routine. Recycling, giving a second life … that’s the essence of our daily activities. That’s what we work for.
We collect donations from the public and redistribute them through our community thrift store and our material assistance service (giving to the next person for free).
The Community Center actively contributes to the reduction of residual materials destined for landfill, by recycling as much as possible.
An arrangement has been made with the Ecocentre to take away wooden furniture and cardboard free of charge, as often as necessary.
We sell sorted surplus clothing to partners when the article cannot be sold at a thrift store due to our quality standards and centre selections.
Only 2% of clothing deemed unsanitary will be sent to landfill.
We recycle metal and defective electronics.
If you want to get rid of something and don’t know where to send it, the Recyc-Québec website is an excellent resource for advice, tips and information on waste management throughout Quebec.
Furniture pick-up request form
For more information: Phone: 450 699-3464 | Email:
* Please refer to our list of accepted items and find out if you are in one of the cities we serve.
"*" indicates required fields