Reinsertion / integration / training and experience
Assistance, training and integration
We promote social reinsertion, integration, training and skills development, and will continue to work towards these goals. Our goal is to allow people with intellectual or physical limitations, living in precarious situations or wishing to acquire new skills, to regain their autonomy and self-confidence, notably through work.
We are always on the lookout for people who are interested in getting training and work experience.
Looking for a place to do your community work
or get a new training?
For more information: Phone: 450 699-3464 | Email:
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A unique and customized training
You don’t have a lot of work experience? Are you having trouble finding a job? You have little or no education? You’re new to Quebec and are having trouble finding a job? We are always on the lookout for people who are interested in getting training and work experience.
Sorting clerk
- Learn to sort clothes, accessories...
- Labeling
- Learn how to provide a good customer service
- Learn how to set up items in store
- Learn to use the cash register system
Handling clerk
- Learn how to handle products safely
- Learn how to provide a good customer service
- Learn how to set up items in store
- Learn how to provide a good customer service
- Learn how to set up items in store
- Learn to use the cash register system
Sorting and inspection of objects, furniture and electronics
- Learn to inspect objects according to an established standard
- Setting prices
- Learn how to handle items safely
Compensatory, community and Benado work
Compensatory work
We are a recognized host organization for the Compensatory Work Program in partnership with the Centre de bénévolat de la Rive-Sud. This is a fine collection process. Unable to pay off their debts, people perform hours of compensatory work in exchange.
This program is primarily intended for people who are financially disadvantaged and unable to pay their fines for a violation of a provincial or municipal law or by-law, the Criminal Code or any other federal statute.
The Compensatory Works Program (CWP) offers adult citizens who are unable to pay a fine the opportunity to carry out compensatory work for the benefit of a non-profit community organization.
Compensatory work program objectives
- Ensure the collection of fines imposed under Quebec laws and municipal by-laws.
- Humanize fine collection.
- Avoid incarceration for poor people for non-payment of fines.
- Encourage community participation in the administration of justice.
- Help empower the program’s target clientele.
- What’s more, it saves the community money on the administration of justice, while benefiting from the work done by the program’s clientele.
Community work and Benado
We are also recognized for our community service and Benado programs (young offenders aged 12 to 17). Nous sommes un organisme d’accueil accrédité pour le Programme de travaux compensatoires en partenariat avec le Centre de bénévolat de la Rive-Sud.
Community service is a sentence resulting from a conviction for a Criminal Code offence, generally imposed in a context where the offender must repay society.
Eligibility requirements
Backed by several years’ experience, the community or compensatory hours program offered by the Châteauguay Community Centre facilitates the integration of offenders who choose to work for the organization. In this case, they become full partners in their host organization and contribute to one of its primary missions, that of social and professional integration.
We work with various programs
Job placement and employment assistance services for people with limitations.
LEC - Employment services
Helps people at risk of long-term unemployment, who would otherwise be unable to access the job market, to find sustainable employment.
LEC - Experience
Develop skills and gain experience.
Workplace internships with SPHÈRE, Emploi étudiant and various school programs
Enables integration and acquisition of initial experience.